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My Inspiration

This is my inspired writing poetry page and is constantly going to be updated. These will be poems of various subject matter, anything between love and death. Anything that strikes me to write about wil be written here. But of course as everybody knows, a Paramedic student doesn't have too much time on her hands, so please be patient.
While you are here, feel peace and above all, and enjoy ~Andrea
A Dance With Fate
The Siren is a symphony she hears in her ears;
Knowing each call, she will ease many fears.

As she hears the bells ring, and the radio tones;
She gets herself ready, she is in her zone.

Death invites her to dance, whomever gets the life:
She dances to save someone's mother or wife.

The bleep on the moniter, tells her she has won this round;
But she knows that there will be another dance with each victim found.

She smiles to herself, with a satisfied smirk;
Saving lives of strangers, all in a day's work.

An original poem by Andrea Ward
