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This letter was sent to me from Ebony Jones (Romeo). She sent the letter to all the members of the Immature Party Line, and I thought it was very important, so I decided to post it on the page.

First I wanna start by sayin HELLO to all. Next I wanna say I hope you all have wrote or even called MCA Records about immature, to let them know that it is not right what they are doing to immature. Part of the problem is that not enough people are speaking up about it. Just because Immaure has lost a few of their fans doesn't mean they lost all of them, this Partyline is proof. I think that they should work with Immature, and at least give them one more chance. Below I've listed the address and phone number for MCA records. PLEASE try to contact them and speak out.If not for me and the other fans, for Immature.
lil Brat A.k.A Baby Thug Girl

MCA Records
70 Universal City Plaza
Los Angeles, Ca 91608
Atten:Lillian Matulic
Phone number- (811)835-0024

Immature's Groove
