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My Life in Pictures

Welcome to my life in pictures. What follows is a pictorial review of my life thusfar. Hope I don't bore you to tears...just a trip down memory lane! Hop aboard, and come along with me!

All smiles for the camera! Wasn't I a beautiful baby? Wonder what happened along the way? ;-)

Ah! Such loving sisters! Notice my big sister Ada has her hand out? Probably waiting for me to do something dumb again! ;-)

Piano lessons were such a drag! I would have sooner been outside with my next-door neighbor shooting hoops, or playing quarterback. Even then, I was an avid football fan...with a pretty good passing arm! ;-)

I was honored to be the Maid of Honor when my big sister Ada married Larry Fritz in August 1972, just 4 days after my 17th birthday. The horror story in that one is that I tripped on my gown coming up the aisle! Right in front of my so-called "adopted" brother...who laughed hysterically! :-)

I graduated from High School on June 5, 1973...just 5 years to the day behind my big sister! Check out the typical dark, heavy glasses! They were so cool back then! ;-)

One of my favorite "younger" pics. I was 18, and the family was on vacation at the beach. I was a tough looking dudette, wasn't I? :-)

I had always wanted to be in the Color Guard of my High School's Marching Band, but my parents refused to allow me to try out, so when I was 21, I became the oldest member of the Cavaliers Majorette and Drum Corps in 1976. I loved it!

This was my dream come true! I loved my '68 MUSCLE CAR! It was semi-souped up; had glass-packs, air shocks jacked up the rear end. Ah! I even cleaned the interior with saddle soap to keep the leather supple! It was totalled in an auto accident in 1977 when I was broadsided by a woman who had "too much to drink". I named it Perki the Mercury...and to this day I miss it! :-(

This is my very favorite picture of myself. I was young and vibrant then. A beautiful 21 year old woman...wonder why she wasn't snatched up? Quite a catch, dontcha think? ;-)

I treated my sister and brother-in-law to a restaurant meal and an evening at the Totem Pole Playhouse (our local summer theater) for their anniversary. Ada and I both had our hair styled for a night out on the town, and I bought a new dress for the occasion! However, with all that teasing, it took HOURS to brush my hair out! :-)

The proudest day of my life was when I graduated from L.P.N. school in 1982. Little did I know that just 10 years later I would be caring for my terminally ill mother!

My family's last group picture, taken on my brother-in-law's birthday, March 26, 1992. In front L-R is my mother Ada, me, and my sister Ada. In back are my dad Glenn, and brother-in-law Larry. Just one month later, Mother would be bedfast with terminal cancer.

I had Glamour Shots done in 1995. I call this my Vestal Goodman look...with an attitude! For you SGM fans, all that's missing is a big white hankey! ;-)

This was taken in September 1999.

This was taken in August 2000.

My best friend, Jen, "made me over" in April,2001. Here's the result. Interesting, huh? Jen's daughter Jordan is peeking in the background. You gotta love that! :-)

This was taken in May 2001.

This was taken on July 8, 2001, after I donated my long hair to Locks of Love.

I just got a webcam, and this is the first still I took with it. Taken June 19, 2002.

This is my "Mona Lisa" look. Taken right before I made my second hair donation to Locks of Love, August, 2002.

This was taken at Christmas 2002.

I decided to let my hair grow one more time. It's getting long and thick now.

I couldn't do it. It was getting too long and too thick. It was starting to get too hot, and I'm going through menopause! ARGH! Give me shorter hair! And I got my gypsy shag in May, 2004. And I LOVE it! :-)

I hope you've enjoyed your trip through my life. Stay tuned...I'm not done yet! There's a "whole lot of living to do!"

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