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My father, Glenn, never went to carpentry school, and didn't even finish junior high school. But he's got a knack for doing carpentry. I thought I would spotlight some of the work Dad's done, because I'm proud of him.

Dad drew the blueprints for this entertainment center, and promptly lost them. He took all the measurements a second time and drew the blueprints again...and this time it turned out absolutely FANTASTIC! Way to go, Dad!

When I moved into my apartment, I started looking for a bookcase for my many books, and quickly found they were far too expensive, and the workmanship was far inferior to what my father could do, so he built this for me. I love it! :-)

Dad makes these wall plaques as a hobby, and gives them away. Everything on them is hand-made. He uses his jigsaw to cut out all the letters.

I saved the best for last. He found these old shotguns in his workshop, hidden for years. He took them completely apart and cleaned and polished them, then built the rack that holds them. They hang on the living room wall, and they're quite a conversation piece. Neither shotgun can be fired...they've been made "childproof", so it's perfectly safe having them displayed where they are.

Stay tuned for more. Dad's still busy working in his woodshop, even though he just turned 75 in February, 2003. Wonder what project he'll tackle next? :-)

End note: Dad passed away on November 23, 2004. He was 76 years old. His death was sudden and unexpected. Goodbye, Dad! RIP

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