Jacy's Page

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Welcome to my webpage! Come in, have a drink, mingle! Feel free to look around and sign the guestbook to let me know you were here!

And now the best part... I am Jacy and I am a 21 year old college senior at Clarion University. I graduate in May and I can NOT wait to get out of this shit hole!

I don't feel like changing the pics or anything right now so they are gonna stay for awhile. So hang in there. This first pic is of me jumping off the bridge here in Clarion. I haven't done that since my 2nd year and I really miss doing it. Such a rush! Here is a pic of me taking a jump!

Me jumping off my bridge.

Me and my old roommate Diana used to do some crazy ass things Freshman year. We took a bunch of road trips and drank way too much. Oh those were the good old days. Now we have calmed down a bit so there aren't as many wild stories as there used to be. Here is a page of stories from Freshman year. :)

This is me from a few summers ago reliving my Rah-Rah days!

I can't have a page without putting up pics of my friends. So here they are.

Me and my friends

I made a page of pics of just me if you care to go check them out.


I only have 3 family pics but I thought I would add them anyway.

Family Pics

In case you wanna know what I do everyday you can go check out my Online Journal Enjoy!

Well that's about all for now. Feel free to send me some e-mail at jacy332@hotmail.com. Or you could also talk to me on AOL. My screen name is Jacy332 So give me a yell! And don't forget to sign my guestbook and tell me what you think. :) Later!

In case you missed any of my links I'll give them to you one more time.

Me and my friends


Family Pics


Buddy Icons

Some more junk I haven't gotten around to putting anywhere

Dedicated to My Fish Face

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