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Will of Robert Day of Hartford CT

*[Copy of the Will and Inventory of Robert Day.--Colony Records, vol. 1. pp. 255, 6. May 20th, 1648. The will of Robert Day hee being sick and weake, yet in perfect memory : doth order and dispose of his estate to his wife and children, in the manner following: Impr'mis I give vnto my beloued wife Edatha Day my now dwelling howse and howsing thereto adjoyning, howse Lott, Allso all my Land whereof I stand possessed, or that of right doth belong vnto mee, lying in Hartford, during the tearme of her naturall life : And at the end of her life, my will is that the said howse and land shall bee deuided in an equall proportion : my will allso is that all my howsehold stuff, and Cattle and other moueable goods shall bee my wiues to bring vp my children : And in case my wife should bee married to another man, then my surviers of my will shall haue power if they thinke good to take security for the bringing vp of the children, and for so much estate as shall bee though meete by them, and to this my last Will and Testament I make my wife my Executrix, and I doe desire my Deare Brethren Mr. Tailecoate, Willerton, and Stebbing, to take care of and Assist my wife in the ordering her selfe and my children, and I give them power to doe what in their Judgements may bee for the best, to bring vp my Children and dispose of them, and that I leaue, for theire good : And to this my will I sett to my hand the day aboue written. EDWARD STEBBING, ROBERT DAY WALLTER GAYLERD. 14th October, 1648. An Inventory of the Goods of Robert Day deceased. œ s. d. In the Chamber. Impr. one Bedstead ; one fether bed, and fether Boulster and flock boulster : 2 pillowes, & bedcase & Curtaines. 07 00 00 Item : 2 blankitts, one red & yellow Couerlitt Item : 1 chest 10s : 1 Box 3s : 1 desck box 3s : 00 16 00 Item : 1 table 5s : 1 Cubberd 5s and Chaiers 00 16 00 Item : 3 paier of sheetes 02 00 00 Item : 6 table napkins 12s : 1 table cloth 5s. 00 17 00 Item : 6 pillow beeres 01 10 00 Item : the wearing Clothes with 3 skinns 05 00 00 Item : in Linnen yearne and Cotton wool yearne 01 10 00 Item : 2 Cushins 6s : 1 paire of Bellowes 3s. 00 09 00 Item : 1 Little Baskitt 12d : 1 warming pann 6s. 00 07 00 In the Hall. Item : 1 Brass Kettle 02 10 00 Item : 1 Little kettle 12s : 1 little brass kettle 00 15 00 Item : 1 brass possnett (†) 4s : 1 brass pott 16s : 1 Iron 01 14 00 pott 14s. Item : 1 brass Chaffin dish 3s : one skimer 00 05 06 Item : 7 pewter dishes, and some broken pewter : 1 saser : 2 pewter potts : 1 Candlestick : 1 salte : 1 small bottle : 01 10 00 6 ockum (‡) spoons, 2 porringers and 4 old spoones. Item : 1 Lattin (§) dripping pann : 1 spitt, 1 pistoll : 1 00 10 00 smoothin Iron Item : in earthern ware, and wooden ware 00 10 00 Item : 1 muskitt Bandleers (¶) and sword 01 00 00 Item : 1 table and 2 Chaires 00 05 00 In the sellar, Item : in tubbs and Tables and formes 01 00 00 In ye little chamber : It : one flockbed, 2 blankitts : 1 couerlitt, 1 04 12 00 feather houlster, 2 feather pillowes, 2 bedsteads Item : 3 hogsheads, 2 Linnen wheeles, 1 woolen wheele, 00 19 00 one Barrill. Item : 1 table, 1 wheele, 1 hatchett 00 05 00 Item : in working tooles 01 08 00 Item : 1 Leather Bottle 2s : VId : 1 paire tongs : 00 15 00 fier pann, grid Iron : frying pann, one trammell Item : in Bookes, and Sackes, and Ladders 01 00 00 Item : one Cow : 1 3 yeare ould heifer : one 2 yeare 14 10 00 old heifer, with some hay to winter them Item : 2 hoggs 3£. 03 00 00 Item : in seuerall sortes of Corne with some hemp and flax 15 00 00 Item : the dwelling howse and out howsing, howse lott 45 00 00 and Garden. Item : about 6 Akers of meadow, in severall parcells 26 00 00 with vpland ________________ Summa : Totalis 142 : 13 : 06 JOHN TAILECOATE GREGORY WILLTERTON EDWARD STEBBING : _________________ (†) Posnet, a little basin or skillet. (‡) Ochimy, (alchemy) a mixed base metal. (§) Latten, tin, iron plate covered with tin. (¶) Bandoleers, a large leather belt, thrown over the right shoulder, and hanging under the left arm ; worn by ancient musketeers for sustaining their fire arms, and their musket charges, which being put into little wooden cases, and coated with leather, were hung to the number of twelve to each bandoleer.--Webster. In the following register, the descendants of Thomas, the ancestor of the Springfield branch, will first be given, and then of John, the ancestor of the Hartford branch. To each name a number is attached which it retains under all circumstances and by which it may always be distinguished from every other. For the sake of adding new names not at present known, and also of making it easy to tell at a glance how many children there were in a family, the numbering in each family ordinarily begins with a decimal. In some cases there are still wider gaps. Those known to have died are designated by a star. It is scarcely necessary to mention the b. signifies born; bapt., baptized; d., died, and m., married. __________________________________________________________________ *MS letter from Hon. Thomas Day of Hartford.
