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Crazy Erin's Insane Award

Ok, So, You've worked really hard on a site and you think it deserves an award...

Well, being an award seeker myself, I know how strict the rules some people have for their awards and frankly I feel that most of the time it is ridiculous. So, Im going to make the rules to win my award fair but simple(it's the least I can do for to add light to the world wide web, LOL)

1.They Have To Be Creative and Original. This Is One Thing That I am Pretty Rigid on. Anyone can make a site but not EVERYONE can make a site that holds the interest of people surfing the web. That is A Value, and all sites like this deserve awards!
2.Please No Pages Of Just Links. Your Site Must Have Content
3.Your Site Must Be Kid Safe. If You Were A Parent, Would You Want Your Kid's Looking gross or pornographic that they stumbled on while surfing the web???
4.As Few Broken Links As Possible. I realize That There May Be Some So I will Excuse 1 or 2. After that, you are Pushing it
5.If You Recieve The Award, Please Link Back To Me
6.Text Must Be Readable


Ok, Thats Pretty Much It!!!! I Will Review your site upon submission in about 1-3 days. I know it sucks to wait so I will do it as soon as possible =) GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh Yeah, If You Dont Win, Please Dont Fret *W* You Can Always Re-Submit Your Site Later!
Here Is A Sample Of The Award In Case You Are Curious

The Award Was Designed By Yours Truly *S*

Think Your Site Meets The Requirement??? Then BY All Means , Fill Out The Form. If Your Browser doesn't support forms than e-mail the following info to

So You Think Your Site Is Insane?????

Your full name:
Your email address: (e.g.:

What Is The URL To This "Insane" Site?
What Is The Name Of This Site???

Tell Me Just How Insane Your Site Is!!! The More Creative, The Better=)

Is Your Site Geared Towards An Older Audience(MUST BE KID SAFE REGARDELESS)Or More For Kids?(Please Click Only One)
  My Site Is More For Older People!   My Site Is A Kid's Site!   My Site Has Features For Both Kids And Adults

Is Your Site... (Check All That Apply)   A Personal Home Page?   A Tribute To Someone/Something?   A Informational Resource?

How Often Do You Update Your Site? Stunning, fast, FREE!    
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