After a two-year hiatus from the illustrious world of pageantry, Crissy Butch today announced her intentions of competing for the title of Ms Motosports 2005 at the Motorsports 2005 exhibition to take place January 14th-16th at the Fort Washington Expo Center. Miss Butch, who will turn 18 (the minimum age required by the pageant committee) on December 9th, is a 2003 graduate of Kennedy Catholic High School in Hermitage, where she was an honor student and National Merit scholar as well as varsity letter-winner in both soccer and track & field, in which she was a state qualifier as a sprinter. With a double-major in history and economics, as well as a minor in religious studies, Miss Butch plans to be graduated from the University of Pittsburgh (where she is ”A very proud sister of Sigma Delta Tau sorority!”) in April of 2006. Yes, she is one smart cookie! If you’ve done the math correctly, you realize that Crissy will continue onto law school (“I’m praying for Yale!” she declares) at the tender age of nineteen.

Miss Butch’s parents Gary and Cindy owned Mercer Raceway Park during the 1997 and 1998 seasons, a period in which great strides were made in the improvements at the facility. Crissy’s interest in the racing world did, by no means, end when her parents sold Mercer. She has continued to be a ray of sunshine in lives of many around the pits at Mercer, as well as many other tracks, as she never signs a waiver without a tray of freshly baked cookies in her hand; she radiates goodness: “I’ve never known a sweeter girl, she made me believe in the natural good of people again,” bashfully confesses young sprint car racer Jamie Martin (who is selling awesomely redesigned t-shirts at ). At Mercer, she (and her delicious desserts) can be found at the registration table, where she offers nothing but the warmest of greetings to all. Her adorable smiling face and unforgettable kindness, along with an unparalleled sense of humor has made her an asset to the public relations of the facility and a favorite among drivers, crewmembers, and employees alike. Crissy is also very proud to be a member of the successful Preston Motorsports race team where she is “indispensable and dearer than my own daughter,” according to team owner Troy Preston, her duties there include team chef (and there are a lot of large, hungry men to feed!), pill-drawing, line-up transcribing, go-for, resident nerve-calmer, attendee to all small tasks, as well as being the self-ascribed “representative of the ugly hat of the week club.”

In addition to her involvement in dirt track racing, Crissy works as a cashier Sheetz, and as a file clerk Wilbraham, Lawler, and Buba an asbestos defense law firm in Pittsburgh. Other favorite pastimes including country line dancing, cruising in her pickup truck, enjoying a day on the lake, singing in the church choir, playing with her puppy (“Racer”) and kitties, and volunteering at the Prince of Peace center in Farrell. This young lady has proved herself a shining star in beauty pageants across the nation, and has caught the attention of national advertising firms in her many roles in television advertisements. Crissy Butch, the true sweetheart of the Ohio and Western Pennsylvania racing scene, most earnestly looks forward to your support as she pursues the title of Ms Motorsports 2005, and I assure you, her commitment to the sport is unsurpassed. endorses Ms Crissy Butch as Western Pennsylvania and Ohio’s true representative to the Ms Motorsports pageant.