Chad and crew in victory lane at Grandview Speedway
Birthdate - 10-14-75
Hometown - Harrisburg, Pa
Marrital Status - Soon to be married to Schenley Finney
Children - Expecting a son in October
Occupation -
Employed at our family business: Wholesale Auto, we sell a large variety
of trailers, mainly race trailers, United express and Haulmark are a
coulple of brands that we carry.
Hobbies - Rollerblading, playing basketball, motorcycle & atv
riding, spending time with my family.
Favorite Resturant - Dodge City in Harrisburg
Favorite food - Seafood/Steak
Favorite Music - All kinds of music, I like Limp Bizkit - My way
is a good song
Began racing - 1997 in a 358 I had never raced anything prior
Career Wins - 10 so far.
Chassis - Maxim
Motor - Don Ott
Tires - Hoosier
Sponsers - Our main sponsor is Wholesale Auto along with United
Car Owner - My father is not only a 358 racer but my car owner as
Crew Members -I have had many fly by night helpers on my car as
crew members, right now I have the best ones ever, very dedicated...
Michael Minnicozzi (mini), Bobby Sharp (sharpy), (Big) Bryan Brown, and
we are led by our Crew Chief-Todd Acri (Jesus) when we talk to one
another we usually use their
"shop" names.
Career Highligts - Winning the opener at the Grove this year from
17th position, I also one two features in one night at grandview during
the thunder on the hill show 2000, very big crowd, good show.
Career Lowlights - Fflipping my car in the heat race of the 2000
season opener at Lincoln and then destroying my dads car in the feature
after winning the consi. I did the same thing at Trailways Speedway,
they had a special sprint show.
Season Goals - To win the point Championships at Williams Grove
and Selinsgrove Speedway.
Future Goals - I hope is driving a 410 sprinter.
If you weren't racing you would be - I would be putting more time
in the family operations at the business.
Racing Heros - I admire the Kinsers, I would have to say that
they are my favorite racers.
How long have you been involved in racing and who has had the biggest impact on your career?
I have been involved in racing for a long time, My father Jim Layton is a former SCCA road racing Champion, that is definately what started my interest in racing, my brother as well. He has really made a big difference in my career as well as my family, they are all big supporters.
Where do you see Sprint Car racing five years from now?
I think that you will always have your 410's but they are so expensive, I think that they will probably stay the same in popularity because of this, now the 360's on the other hand is ever growing and I think this is good, it gives average money racers a chance to be competitive, dont get me wrong though, you cand still run yourself into the poor house.
How do you feel about Selsinsgrove Speedway dropping the 410 Sprint Cars and giving the 358 Sprints a chance to be the headline division?
I think that Selinsgrove giving us a place to call home is the most wonderful thing that they could of done, it is going to pay off for them in the end of this growing division.