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About Us Activist Campus Campus

What's New?

Sunday December 26 - Friday December 31 2004, Mount Carmel hotel , Haifa, Israel.
For more information, click here.

About WUJS
Find out everything that you want to know about being an activist on Campus whether political activism or religious activism
Myths and Facts is the newest Activate and deals with distinguishing between the myths and facts that we constantly encounter in every day life. The Activate covers the Arab-Israeli conflict, Holocaust denial and Antisemitism as well as how to tackle myths and present the facts. Activates are offered to Jewish student groups to help them develop personal and educational programmes. Please follow the link to download in PDF format the latest
Student on Campus
Being a student on campus is not so easy. Find information on how to make your university experience easier
Take a look at the WUJS Newsletter, to read about what is going on at Jewish Student Unions round the world, and of course about all the latest from WUJS.
Find out everything that you want to know about being an activist on Campus whether political activism or religious activism

Wujs - World Union of Jewish Students