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Cats are Stoopid pets!

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Nu photos 29/01/06

nu photos in gallery 4

hey chums
finally i have had an opportunity to update this site, not that i have really been all that busy but wking up at midday, watching 5hrs or tv per day and partying my arse off at every opportunity doesn't really give me that much spare time now does it?
i wen to big day out with tricky last thurs and its was unreal(banana peel) things were going on quite nicley enjoying the festivities of it all having a merry old time, when i was blown away by the smashing set of wolfmother...i ahd never really heard much of there stuff beforehand only hearing the hype, but was well impressed with there show.other highlights were airbourne (acca dacca sounding, fuck off rock).cut "too cool for s'cool" copy was also very enjoyable, if u watch the bdo special on channel v im pretty sure ull see me, i was in the front row with a black hat on, i was shaking my little rump about and couldnt stop looking at the camera...cause im such a cool mofo'. sonic animation was also top class.

we gotta make more effort to attend some of these festivals cause they are just so much fun, it will be easier once i live in syd.
evetns coming up incl: Razzle Dazzles B'day this fri night.
ox will be home 18th feb
every1 better b home for jimmy z 10th march GWC

see you round like a circle trendsetters pughie xoxoxo
go tEam WriGLEYs!!

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