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My Favourite Books

1. Catch 22 - by Joseph Heller

Ingenious - so original and incredibly funny. Yossarian is a brilliant character and there aren't many books that make me laugh out loud.

2. The Lovely Bones - by Alice Sebold

This new bestseller is breathtaking. It's the kind of book i'd like to have written. I loved everything about it.

3. One Hundred Years of Solitude - by Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Can get a bit confusing with the extensive family tree and all the similar names, but it's worth persevering with. I loved it. Simply magical.

4. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - J.K. Rowling

Easily the best of the five... i love the twist and all the new characters. People shouldn't criticise Rowling for being least she's encouraging children to read!

5. Pride and Prejudice - by Jane Austen

This may be an old school book, but i think it's great. Very witty and a good love story too.

6. The Beach - by Alex Garland

I did the typical 'reading the Beach whilst backpacking', but fortunately i'd waited long enough to have forgotten the film, and i found it an excellent read. Very hard to put down.

7. El Coronel No Tiene Quien Le Escriba - by Gabriel Garcia Marquez

My favourite Marquez book so far. Very simple but incredibly moving and an excellent ambiguous ending. Also very short; you can read it in a few hours, so no excuses!

8. The Bell Jar - by Sylvia Plath

I particularly enjoy reading books written in the first person; not sure why. But i think most teenage girls can relate to Esther in one way or another.

9. Nineteen Eighty-four - by George Orwell

Almost terrifying; this is definitely a book to make you think and worry about the society which we live in.

10. Once In A House On Fire - By Andrea Ashworth

A shocking yet extremely well-written autobiography.