I’m really getting into La Paz; and Mexico for that matter. La Paz is not a "tourist destination", but a real fully-functioning town, of which the marina people are a definite sub-culture. The cruisers do a La Paz net call on VHF channel 22 every morning at 0800. Most of the marina offices, boating supply and town businesses monitor 22. That’s where I found a vet for Joey and a sail repair guy. The Dollar goes a lot further here and the pace of life is like Hawaii - no hurries. Some interpret that as "mañana land",
but it’s really quite civilized. Here’s my routine: I get up at the crack of dawn (not by choice - the eastern sky is right in the portlight over my bunk, and when the sun’s up, I can’t sleep) and take Joey for a walk, so he can dispose of anything he ate or drank before bed last night. If I’m too slow, it’s all over the floor (sole) of the boat. Having a puppy is so much like having a baby - high maintenance but lots of fun and companionship.
He found his voice yesterday, and now he barks at almost anything! Even in La Paz, it’s chilly in the mornings of November - 50f or so, but it usually warms up quickly to 70f-80f by nine or so. After his walk, I put him back on the boat with his breakfast and water, and I go for a shower and some breakfast at the marina cafe (good food). Depending on my project list, it’s either back to the boat or to the marina free shuttle into town. It’s about a mile and a half walk, but very pretty. I marvel at the straightforward simplicity and effectiveness of the Mexican culture. These days my project list includes both boat projects (wood, stainless, laundry, dishes, etc) and Christmas shopping (you’ll have to wait and see what you get)! I’m looking for a reeeealllyyy cheap car, so I can take some side trips and do some touring. I have the perfect vehicle in mind: a primer-gray (or red) old Datsun pickup, with a cracked windshield, no inside door panels, manual transmission, slashed seats (towels make great upholstery) and four almost-bal tires. Something I can buy for $500 and sell to another cruiser when I leave. I’ve opened the calendar for your escape from the wintry East Coast, or elsewhere. Feb 13 - 24 is taken so far by two, maybe three girlfriends from Maryland :-) So, may the bidding begin! I’ll be here with the boat until early March. Day sails to the close islands are planned ( blue-green waters, warm and clear to 25 feet. Anchor and breakfast on the hook! Then Dockwise Yacht Transport is coming to ship the boat to Florida, and a long, leisurely ride up the Intra-Coastal Waterway to the Chesapeake Bay, maybe further, depending on the availability of a liveaboard slip.
Nantucket sometime in the Summer is a must, and sounds like beautiful trip!
So let me know what your plans are! Time to go - breakfast calls, and the coffee is Soooo good here! Hasta!
Sam Thayer
S/V Pegasus
(360) 951-2855