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Willow's Fan Fics!

Hey, thanks for entering my crossover and noncrossover site! I mostly write Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Harry Potter, a lil' bit of Angel, and starting on some Charmed. Hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer: Joss Whedon owns Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel cast, crew, etc. J.K. Rowling owns Harry Potter cast, crew, etc. I think Aaron Spelling and E. Duke Vincent owns Charmed.

If anyone is interested in posting any of their fics here, just email me your name, email address, and your fic (along with disclaimers, spoilers, pairings, ratings, email, author notes, and whatever else you want to add) and I'll add it as soon as I can!

If you do not give me your name (or author name), rating, disclaimer, spoiler (if there is one) and email address, I will not post your fic and I will notify you about it. You may send me the rest of the info and I'll be happy to post it!

click to subscribe to buffyfic_crossovers

Vixen Fan Fic Awards

Fan Fics

Dawn's Guardians
Prissy Fever
Girl's Night Out
Evil Still Can Love
Most Memorable Year at Hogwarts
Love and Joke Shops
Changes in Slytherin Realm
Different Universes
My Dark Goddess
