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I am Galatea, the Water (or to get technical) Sea Nympth. Hidden from the world by a magikal spell I now return to refill the world of magic and wonders that have dissapeared since my old Greek days.But to feel this power again you must belive in it.So look around and find out what wonders I have to hold.Every week I will tell you of my travels and feats.With the help of my dear friend Paris we can maby change this hatred of this new world. July 9th, 2003 "What, where am I?" "Wha, what happend" "AHHH!!!" "Wait!" "Get me out of here!" "Come back!" "Your not gonna hurt me are you?" "Cause if your gonna.." "No" "Just get me out" "Okay, but for a price." "What?" "A stick." "Alright?".Our first conversation.Being trapped inside a crystal for thousands of years can really make you wonder about the change in value in things.But to explain what just went on ,I met Paris for the first time.And it's the time I came out of that magikal spell."Now, give me the stick." "Can I ask you what it's for first?" "THAT is a very personal issue!" "Okay." We walked out from the cave and I began to look for a stick."Uh, Cat creature thing" "The name's Paris" "Okay ,Paris" "Did you realize that there's sticks everywhere?" "Yeah, so go get me one." I walked over ,picked up a stick, and began to hand it to him when he said "AHHHHHH!" "What now?" "What's that!" "It's a stick." "Oh!" Paris grabbed the stck with his teeth and began to hop around with the stck in his mouth with some sort of pride."Whew!" "Now I'm wondering how'd ya get in that crystal thing?" " Well if your done now, It began long ago...."

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