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You think you know, but You have no idea!

Have you ever thought to yourself, why are some people vegetarians? Should I become one as well? what exactly goes on inside animal slaughter houses?

Well if you have, here it is..I am laying it all down, as much info as I can find, and all for your convenience..

Some food for thought:

"if ignorance is bliss, ours is indeed a blissful society when it comes to the disregard for the sanctity of non-human life that is so deeply ingrained in our society. Here's to all those animals who can't sleep tonight because they're frightened and suffering and awaiting god only knows what fate. And here's to hoping we lose sleep tonight over them" Brad Woodward- from Goldfinger

More Information

Facts they don't tell you
What's REALLY happening
Opinions- Vegetarians and meat eaters
Tips to becoming a Vegetarian
