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The greatest place on the web!

well i thought that this page was going to be for my total and complete boredom at school...but i was wrong....way wrong. It's going to be for the boredom of humanity, that's right humanity. You see here's the way it goes, FunPage, that's right the Funpage has taken over this site, nd until you can show me something better to do with it it's staying that way, so tough. VIVA LA FUNPAGE!!!!

well this stuff is for your amusement and if you get bored here go vry to your momma i'm sure she would like to here your sob story about how the mean kid on the internet was saying get out my web page.

IMPORTANT: this page will be getting a major upgrade when i get a digital camera, don't take this page seriously until then.

Mathematically prove that anything and everything is god

About the originators of the funpage

The Top Ten, the collection, not just some mamby pamby top ten

how to sign up for the fun page!!!! we shall become greater than a golf club!!!!

A little Something if you happen to get bored on this great adventure we call fun page.

A collection of some stories that have made our list of some of the most F***ed up S***

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