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Buffy Angel Firefly
Tru Calling

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Well, I was planing on switching things over from angelfire to, but after weeks of doing that, I find out tonight that I am only aloud 100 files/images. So while on angelfire I get a little bit less room, I can have more than 100 pictures as long as I don't go over my space limit. If I was a premium member (and willing to pay at this time) I could have unlimited access. I really am hoping that come January, I'll be able to pay for an account to have more room. But even then, I think I'll just stick with angelfire.
Also, I am working on a new "main" image. I've gotten more pictures to work with and hopefully when I'm done, it won't look so blurred and aweful.
And, I am working on 3 fanfics. They're all Buffy related but the 3rd one is an original all in it's own.
And I realize that I have a lot to do around here. Its been really hard to keep up with a 10 month daughter around. But I do hope to have a lot improvement in the next two weeks. And as that time goes by, I will also be having fun with Shelby. My best joy in the world.

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