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Sponsor a Student for a Career in Federal Law Enforcement

My name is Brandon Beckham; I'm 23-years old and a first generation college student. The types of people that I admire are those who go head into life with the desire to make a difference. You can see it by the fact that they genuinely desire to help others and to be someone who influences those around them for the good. After careful personal examination I've concluded that I can make a powerful difference through Federal Law Enforcement, specifically in a career with the DEA (drug enforcement administration). This type of career stands out to me, not because of the glamour that guys usually attribute to such a career, but because DEA Special Agents are Leaders. They are people who excel in the worthwhile effort of not only apprehending drug violators, but in working to REDUCE the drug problem in this country as well as abroad. At this particular point in time, I can't be a Special Agent in the DEA, but I can play a small part in the effort to reduce the drug problem in our country. During my educational preparation for a future with the DEA I am giving time to volunteer with D.A.R.E. (drug abuse resistance education), I hope this will fuel the vision I have and will better prepare me for my future paths. As you can imagine, like any college student the financial aspect to achieving our goals can be overwhelming. I am asking, if you are genuinely in a position to give and help others, please consider possible sponsoring me along my path toward a career as a special agent. If you'd like to get in contact with me directly, or if you'd like to know how you can contribute, email me at: (or click on the email link at the bottom of this page). Thanks for taking the time, Brandon Beckham

With a sponsorship of $10-100/month you can help to see goals achieved:

Find out more about my career path with the following links

Voluteer Work with D.A.R.E. (drug abuse resistance education)
Mission Statement for the DEA
Overview and Qualificatons of a DEA Special Agent
DEA Special Agent Training
History of the DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration)
Defensive Tactics-Federal Law Enforcement Training Center
Defensive Tactics Training School
Boise State University-Criminal Justice
BSU-Criminal Justice/B.A. Checklist
BSU-Masters Degree/Criminal Justice
Idaho State University School of Law
The problem of drug trafficking in the U.S.
