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  The Three Forces in Psychology Compared  

Note: For anyone who just surfed in, this page is posted for study purposes by a university student. 21/05/03

The Three Forces in Psychology
First Force
Second Force
Third Force
Where are the answers? In careful observation of behaviour and environment and their relations. Somewhere beneath the surface, in the unconscious In consciousness or experience.
Streams and Theorists Behaviourists, as well as their modern descendants the cognitivist (Hans Eysenck, B. F. Skinner, and Albert Bandura) 1. Freudian view proper, (Sigmund and Anna Freud, and the ego psychologists (Erik Erikson)
2. The transpersonal perspective, which has a much more spiritual streak (Carl Jung).
3. The social psychological view. (Alfred Adler, Karen Horney, and Erich Fromm).
1.Humanism proper (Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers, George Kelly)
2. Existential Psychology (Ludwig Binswanger and Victor Frankl).
Emphasis The importance of changing current thinking and behaviour. The importance of early childhood experiences and internal forces. Inherent processes of self-actualisation.
Methods Quantitative and experimental methods Phenomenological methods
Therapy Behavioural, Cognitive-Behavioural, and Reality Therapies Psychoanalysis Existential, Person-Centred and Gestalt Models


Athabasca University. (2003). Psychology 406.

Boeree, G. C. (1997). Personality theories: Introduction.

Fadiman, J., & Frager, R. (2002). Personality and personal growth (5th ed.). New York: Longman.

Russell, D. (1981). Psychosynthesis in Western Psychology. Psychosynthesis Digest, 1

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