Aug 03, 2006 Taking Over Search: Taking Over Internet Search, Taking Over Google Search
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Children's Immortality Rights
Children's Immortality Rights
Google's Capitalistic Compromise
Problems to solve for Children's Immortality Rights
And you let these people run your algorithm to determine RANKING?
Emotional Deceit: A Psychic Virus
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Children now have someone to REPRESENT them!
Google Search for Taking Over the Children's Internet

Taking Over Search:An Immortality Psychologist
is Evolving Conscious Search Wisdom for All Internet Searchers!
All the Children of Earth Who have been created to DIE!
Have Physical Immortality Rights!

Dakota Fanning: Dammit Mom! Help Me Out Here! I Didn't Come Here Just to Die!
I Didn't Come Here Just to Die!
Taking Over Search
Taking Over Google Search
Taking Over Internet Search-ers ReEducation
Emotional Deception and Contamination

Before you read the following paragraph,(borrowed from Jim Hedger at, remember that DNA created both Tim Berners-Lee, you and I, and the internet.

"The original inventor of the World Wide Web, Tim Berners-Lee, added his voice to the debate last month saying, "When, seventeen years ago, I designed the Web, I did not have to ask anyone's permission. The new application rolled out over the existing Internet without modifying it. I tried then, and many people still work very hard still, to make the Web technology, in turn, a universal, neutral, platform. It must not discriminate against particular hardware, software, underlying network, language, culture, disability, or against particular types of data. The Internet is increasingly becoming the dominant medium binding us. The neutral communications medium is essential to our society. It is the basis of a fair competitive market economy."

So I remind you that DNA is running the life animation context that you and I are a part of!
Dna, specifically, is a dynamic, responsive, adjusting, sensing, EVOLVING META-CHEMICAL phenomenon that operates in the time domain with a prejudice toward LASTING!
This is the MASTERY of Physical Existence inclusive of the Quality of Experience for ALL!
It is not just a coincidence that the internet was built to be an INDESTRUCTIBLE communication system.
Now we are to build the builders of this indestructible communication system of earth as ALSO INDESTRUCTIBLE [Immortal]

Innovations and Inspirations in Health are becoming the Ultimate Art Form;
Inclusive of Respect for Life, Health, and the Collective Evolution of Self Respect.

"Negroponte [from MIT] claimed there are around one billion children in the world, with half in remote rural locations where there are no real schools, and teachers themselves have little more than a basic education. "It is very primitive. In situations like that, more teachers and schools are not the solution - it can take decades that way. A much quicker solution is to engage the children themselves in their own education," he said."

All Internet Searchers have a Destinial Viability Index, an Existence Aptitude Opportunity and they work unknowingly, for the Dna Inference; stated outside of any Divine Context, we are a
Chronoidal Phenomenon here to Create
TOGETHER Immortal Physicality
This is simply your ability and RESPONSE_Ability to Live Endlessly!

I remind you again, and myself, that children are creating themselves using our personalities as example templates. Therefore, if we have been betrayed [As in Our unresolved DeathWish!], then, we are subverters of all Childrens' Life Potential!

Taking Over Internet Search and Evolving the Search Wisdom and Efficiency of all Internet Search Persons
Please Participate in Rebuilding the psychology of all 6.5+ billion humans in response to The Paradigm of Immortality, an International Consciousness Evolution Event

Re Educate and Awaken yourself RIGHT HERE!
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I sent this July 16th, 2006 enter this term: Taking Over Search
Today, for a while at least, I made top pick out of a half-billion pages.
I am.....
Re-inventing search for children's immortality.
Please help

Robert Hedges
Sedona Az

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9 Steps to power for All Kids Children are increasingly taking responsible control of their parents and taking RESPONSIBLE control of their schools and their REAL education using the following steps:

Please follow the logic carefully!

You are now participating in the most important event of the entire evolution of consciousness! codex6002

Step One: Confirm that all dna life forms have been destructively tested or are being destructively tested.

Step Two:
Confirm that human replication is a destructive test based on conclusions drawn, world wide, about the implications embedded in all archaeological evidence.

Step Three:
Confirm that human replication is Administrated soley by females who can easily aquire sperm anywhere in the world and then commence to create a person to be destructively tested.

Step Four:
Confirm that, using sexuality with intent to grow a person to destructively test them, does kill them in the long term and that is a premeditated intent in that no one has sex accidently.

Step Five:
Confirm that killing people is a felony and a capital offense.

Step Six:
Confirm that no person, except for Robert Ray Hedges, and no government is currently protecting you or planning to protect you from this criminal intent.

Step Seven:
ORGANIZE your peer group to rectify this conspiracy against life using peaceful means, please.
For those of you 13 or older, set up internet websites for children under that age so that they can have a voice in their own DESTINY and IMMORTALITY process. Please link these websites into a network with an evolvable list distribution system. Search engines will find you and raise your ranking by following this procedure

Step Eight: CRUCIAL
CONTACT OTHER SCHOOLS to begin their process. Communicate Regularly; Stay Connected to create the Power you will all need to Dominate the Matrix Illuminati with Immortal Legal Peaceful Intent.

Step Nine:
Remain silent in class to communuicate that the conspiracy against children as matrix robots is being challenged on a HUMAN RIGHTS basis and IS GOING TO BE RESOLVED to the advantage of all persons. Refer any adult that challenges your rights to a google search for the Children's Immortalisation Network which is the socialisation strategies aspect of Mortality Resolution International!
Also, it is very important when you BEGIN TO INITIATE your activity in school that you document it and let the world know USING EMAIL STRATEGIES AND YOUR LINKED WESITES. If you are under the supposed internet rights age of 13 simply find an older teenager to set up your website and have them communicate your intentions as your agent.