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Very Much Under Construction

This is my life Its not what it was before All these feelings I've shared And these are my dreams That I'd never lived before Somebody shake me cause I must be sleeping... Now that we're here, Its so far away All the struggle we thought was in vain All the mistakes one life contained They all finally start to go away... I feel like I can face the day I can forgive, and I'm not ashamed to be the person that I am today............

Riding the train to NYC


Hello, for all who don't know me, I'm Megan... I don't know how you got here but that's cool!... and those of you who do know me, well, consider yourself lucky... just kidding... you probably found the link in my profile... either way hope you enjoy my page.. it's nothing special, and right now its not even near complete. It's mostly going to be a lot of pictures & some of my thoughts from my summer in NJ, my "drawing" hobby, and my goofy friends :-P. Well with that all said, go and explore.... once again it isn't nearly done, but if you have any comments or questions you can write to me at .


While I was Away


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