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Main title:Paint Your Life

            Hi. My name is Aaron. I am a student in college. I like to draw pictures in MS Paint in my spare time. My site is very simalar to Sam Brown's web site, His work is much much better than my own, so I highly reccomend that you check him out. Another quick thanks goes out to my two best friends, Paul and Sanjiv, who are part of a local band in Milwaukee called The Oprahs (no relation to the talk show host). You can find out more about them at their web site, Without further adue, these are my pictures. Enjoy them if you want to. I do. If you have any ideas for new pictures or whatever, you can e-mail me at:

awesome angel of darkness
killerrobot toomanayboxes
stayoutofmyyard catholic acid
metrognome Pat robertson
blunt passedout
hot in here mom on drugs
pellican voodoofam
love morningperson
work aginst all odds
my house has no door lonely
the stars spell happiness Rob

By the way, don't steal my pictures from me for personal gain. I do all my own work; you can do yours.