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subject: leah and natalie's list of jokes and pickup lines

Hey everyone, Leah and I are out in stillwater right now and just found some pickup lines that (Although we would never use them!) are really funny...yet embarrassing. So, as long as everyone promises NOT TO TRY THESE AT HOME, go ahead and read them...

Excuse me, but you have a beep on your nose. What? (reach up and gently squeeze his/her nose) BEEP!

Hey baby, drop that zero and get with the hero... In other words, you better come with me.

Want a raisin? No? How about a date?

Haha, that's enough for now... We'll check back in later.
Natália and Leah
subject: Broken Violin!

Definitely broke my violin today! What a ridiculous situation I'm in:
School:Bad grades, too much makeup work, and that STUPID PLAIGARISM ISSUE! HOW OBNOXIOUS!
Track: One ankle the size of a tennis ball, the other black & blue... great!
Violin: Broken! -$7,000. Oh, and did I mention that my teacher wants me to play on her violin tomorrow? Watch me break that one...Oh CHRIST; that would mean -$500,000... I CAN'T break that one.
Riding: Show in April & My horse can't even canter without bucking and going psychotic. greaaaat.
I should be upset, yet I'm not. I'm laughing at my own misfortune. This is pathetic. Well, it can only get better. I GET TO GO RIDING THIS WEEKEND! That's something to look forward to... Along with the whole "triple bareback in a cornfield" episode! lol.
I'd better be gone... Lots to study! :-)

Luego ~

Subject: Christ...
This is ridiculous!

Wow, I can't believe how long it's been. So much has happened; so many new people, places, things, news, happenings, etc. I'll try not to forget about this anymore.

What's going on right now? Mainly just school, track, and The Frankie Project. We've had some fun times working on the Frankie Project... Oh wow; here are just a few:

The 'whole neighbors' watching Frankie's nipples in the window

Frankie's "Sex noise"

Is that one of your gay friends?

ferrets...enough said

Convo's between Eternity, ItsFreezing, MrSouthSideGuy and Murphstang lol


Triple bareback in a cornfield...oh wow.

I am holding your handahhhh

Homework parties

What's that bruise from? Getting humped into a fan!

Pretty Little Vaginas

Pink thongs

Damn it!

{Slapping Frankie}

Message machines...

Erections from WHO-KNOWS-WHO

Much molesting

Horseback riding

Avalon, Casey, Midnight...Dub Dub lol

The Driving-By-Frankie's-House-Ritual


The many Frankie faces

What's jacking off?

Shake it, shake what your mama gave ya... Shake it so the whole neighbors can see your pretty little vagina

Breathing exercise

Naked pictures

What's foreplay? An orgy with four people, says Frankie!

I can't even begin to guess what's to come next with Project Frankie. Wow I love this project! lol... May 2nd! Great times w/ Fourplay

Con amor,

Subject: Need...To...UPDATE!
Music: None- that's never happened before!
*yawn*. I am so tired right now. I really, really, really don't feel like messing with HTML right now but I saw the date of my last entry and decided that I had to update. I'm afraid this entry will be quite dry, uneventful and most likely full of grammatical errors considering I am so tired that it takes my utmost energy to keep my eyes open, let alone type correctly. I will try my best, however.

First, I'd like to say that MARCIA is the coolest and she is my po-tay-toe bean (don't ask).

Next off...(I CANT BELIEVE I HAVENT SAID THIS ONLINE YET!!)...I bought a horse!! Here's a bit about him:

name: Cisco Kid (Reg. San Francisco)
height: 16hh
color: Liver chestnut
breed: Quarter Horse X Saddlebred
sex: gelding
age: 10
comments: hyper & crazy, but fun. Getting better at the whole not-bucking thing, but still has a ways to go. Will make a good jumper. Just bought a brand-new english saddle! :-)

Okay, that's all for now because I need SLEEP. G'Night.
Con amor,

Wow, I haven't posted forEVER! I've only been home on the weekends, and even then I've been CRaZy busy. Right now I'm working at Westwind Stable's Ranch Camp in Hastings, MN. I go on Sunday afternoons and stay until Friday evenings. It's a lot of responsibility because I am the only counselor - and there are between 8 and 14 campers each week!! Fortunately, most of the girls are really cooperative and we have a lot of fun. The best thing is that I found the nicest horse that I would like to lease in the fall. He's a 17hh Thoroughbred gelding out of a jumping barn. He's perfect...being 17 hands high, he is the tallest horse at the barn.
Well I gotta go pack! :-)
Con amor,
Yay! I am so happy! Last night, My grandmother came to visit and she brought me a digital camera! I am so happy! I will be able to post pictures soon. :) I will as soon as I get home today.
Derby News:
THE KENTUCKY DERBY IS COMING UP SOON!! Only another month...and the prep races are crazy this year. Peace Rules won the Louisiana Derby a couple of weeks ago, which was a shock to most people, considering it was his first race on dirt. At the moment, I have to say that Kafwain is my favorite. Trained by Bob Baffert, I think he has a chance at the roses. Another prospect is Empire Maker...Will he give Kafwain a run for his money? His workout times have been great lately. I'll post them later. Sky Mesa looked good early on, but I think he's out of the running now. I think he peaked early on in his career - too early to really make it big. I think that's all for now; study hall's almost over. I'll post later on today with pictures and workout times for the derby contenders. :)
Informacion de Natália:

Fecha de nacimiento: 2/24/1988
Lugar de nacimiento: Mínneapolis
Horóscopo: Piscés
Color de ojos: Verde - iEs claro!
Color de cabello: Rubio

PaZ y AmOr,

03-23-03 Hey. I just realized that in my last post I forgot to include something! I forgot to say that the recording session that Shira and I played for on Tuesday and Wednesday went great. It was a really cool experience and the studio was awesome. Patrik is also a really good producer. :-) Well I'd better be out I'm tired as hell and I gotta get up early. Happy Oscar Night! <3,

03-22-03 Hey! Lots to catch up on...

First, I had orchestra this morning...normal time and everything. It was a fun rehearsal because we only worked on the Mahler for one hour before moving on and sightreading Strauss' FleuderMous (sp?) and one other piece. It was a lot of fun. When I got home, Jake had called to ask if I could play with the Abdomen at a show in downtown Minneapolis in a club called Bunkers. Of course I said OK, and so I hauled myself over to their house to practice before going to the show. It was a really cool show; the violin part went well, and Mari played percussion. :-) Afterwards, we all went out and had a great dinner at this fabulous restaurant, which was also downtown. (I can't remember the name of it...) And then I got home and Taylor called from Rhode Island. So, all in all, it was a cool day...

Well I'd better go to bed, I have to get up early for church in the morning, I'm playing violin at the 11:15 mass and have to go to practice at nine o'clock. Mari and Matt are coming, though, so it should be cool. I'm also excited because tomorrow night is the Oscar party for AYM. That should be fun. Good night.


Hey! Happy St. Patrick's Day! There's quite a bit to catch up on; I haven't posted in a few days, and it's all been very busy. Okay, here goes...On Friday, I went to a play which Shira was playing violin for. I sat with Jake, since Shira was performing. It was a cool play. That's about it for Friday...Saturday was a good day! It was actually warm here! Can you imagine that - Minnesota, being 60 degrees in March?! It was actually warmer here than in LA! What a surprise! Anywho, on Saturday I had a really good violin lesson before coming home and seeing the movie "The Ring" for the first time. I really liked it! After that, Patrik Tanner called and asked if I would record a couple tracks at Oarfin Studios. I said sure, of course, and so Shira and I will be recording on Tuesday and Wednesday. I'm excited! :-) After I got off the phone, Coralee came over and we biked over to Annunciation to play basketball. We ran into Matt, Bruce, Jason, and Brian. That was cool, I miss seeing all the Annunc. people! I never get to see them anymore!! All in all, it was a fun day. Well I'd better be gone; this post is getting quite long, Coralee is IMing me, and I have to go practice the music for the recording studio. Wish me luck, it's kind of hard! Peace & Love <3

Yea I know, I have posted three times today. In any case, people are requesting shout outs and so forth, so I suppose I should get it over with. If you want to be added, lemme know. Here goes: Mari*Taylor*Chloe*Sarah*Matt*Jake*Shira*Xavier*Zito*Lauren*Jamie&Brittney* That's all for now. <3

I just realized that I forgot to include my e-mail in the last post. If you have any comments, suggestions or questions, feel free to e-mail me at Also, make sure to go to my other site, and sign the guestbook! <3

Hey everyone! Welcome to my new site! I hope you enjoy it - more things will be added very shortly. Check back often for the latest updates, and make sure to sign the guestbook!

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