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~Ettaniya's Home Page~


Im Ettaniya, Originally from the centre of the Universe, Amsterdam of course..... im 18 years old, just finished High school and taking a gap year!

I have 2 dogs... Benji and Roxy and two cats.. Toby and Bo... they r all v cute!!! Too bad u cant get ur own pix on here.. cuz i wudda showed them to u!! reli!!

I like to dance and swim and go out and make picture albums and wen i gro up, i wanna become a pilot, or a 1st grade teacher, or a manicurest... but untill then, i will remain a ~lady of the night~.... Thnx for visiting my site...

(`'·.¸(`'·.¸ Ettaniya ¸.·'´) ¸.·'´)

My Favorite Web Sites

Tryym's home page
Cancelled's home page

Best things in the world....
