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Event Flyer : White Crest Beach : More beach : The Band : Rob, Tony & Craig
Craig & Dave : Rob : Tony : Dave : Tony & Craig : Jay & SPF-4 : Beach Gang!
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White Crest Beach: Wellfleet, MA 8-29-04
The Sun Protection Factor Four continued their Summer Tour with a gig high atop the bluffs of White Crest Beach in Wellfleet, Massachusetts. The event was focused around the annual Old-Timers Longboard Competition. A junket of family and friends made their way to the Outer Cape for one of the best weekends of the summer!

In casual attire complete with shades, the SPF-4 played a 90-minute set consisting of many originally crafted surf numbers. The sun was still strong in the late afternoon when the band opened their set. There wasn't a cloud in the sky. The northerly breeze gently blew the long manes of Rob on guitar and Tony on bass. Craig looked cool as always behind his small, silver sparkle Rogers drum kit and Dave, now sporting a soul patch and long sideburns, smiled quite often revealing his joy of playing surf guitar. You couldn't ask for a better setting to hear Surf-Instro and dance like crazy people.

SPF-4 was well received by locals and tourists who had never heard of this fairly new band. A local radio station (WOMR) rep. tapped old fans for information on these guys and where their roots were. Predominately a group of old high school buddies from Western Mass, these four musicians have played a whole range of genres over the years. I have personally followed them since the late 80's when they were known as Picture This. They never disappoint and the surf-instro scene is made for these guys.

The long boards gave way to long shadows and the day came to an end with a glorious sunset. After putting all the gear away, family and friends celebrated the successful gig on the beach until dark. The "adults" went out for dinner at a local restaurant where it is rumored one of the guitar players "mistakenly" rode his bicycle into Terra Luna thinking it was the bike path! It was a fine weekend for SPF-4 and friends and hopefully the beginning of an annual tradition at the Oldtimer's Longboard contest.

Content by Jay Holsing. White Crest Beach, Wellfleet, MA August 29, 2004

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