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Hey you guys…I’m one of “the Katherine’s” and I’m from big James Island, SC.  Me and other Katherine are representin’ in our crazy green and purple room…although I must say it’s got nothing on Whit’s!  Let me just say that everyone in 10C is too awesome and hooray for no rushing! Go Cletus!




Hey yall, this be the Katherine D. of the rockin' Katherines in 10 C 2...   I'm from James Island, SC, I'm a Aquaculture, Fisheries and Wildlife Biology major (try saying that one three times fast)...  I really miss all of my friends in Charleston (Adam, Kathleen, Mitch, Lauren, Lindsey, Bradley, Alan, and of course Adam LaRoche, even if he is a hater) and the ones who left us (DANNY, Stephan, John and Annie) and my beautiful lost love (Emily!).  Well, come visit, I'll be up here gellin' with the rest of my new cow friends in 10th hall, C suite.  If anybody gets in the mood to go to some theatre or to a Braves game or go Art Gallery-ing or not rush for a sorority, I'm your man.