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What's up ya'll, this is Amanda (aka Svet) representing the end of the C Suite. I'm a sports marketing major from Berryville, Virginia (where 'scrumpin' is a regularly used term), and I miss my home girls and boys tons! I love the crazy cows of the Penthouse and I'm lookin forward to a fun filled year of 'sorority' events. Cletus foreva! 



View more of Amanda's pics on her site.







Hey ya'll...this is Mandy...the girl with the good ol' Southern accent! And believe me...I get picked on for it! I'm from Gaffney, SC....aka Nowheresville....and even though Clemson is sooo much better than Gaffney....I still miss all of my Gaffney peeps! I miss & love you all! But most of all I love my Lucas!! Anyways...all of the cows ROCK....I love you girls....CHI OH WOAH!!! =)