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Hey all!  What up?  I'm Allie and I'm the web master (or maybe the web mistress... hehe) for our little internet home.  I hail from a town called Huntersville which is just a few miles north of Charlotte, NC.  I'm lovin it down here at Clemson as a psych major.  I love all of my girls here in suite C... we rock!  Keep it real, Cletus rocks my world... lol!










My name is Merrre. I have big hurrr. But I don't currr, cuz I'm a plurrrr. I'd like to thank my c-Razy friends back in Ohio for that one. Yes, Ohio, a town one shade north of Cincinnati. If you've ever survived through Ohio's wonderful weather, you can understand why I am here, in South Carolina. I'd also like to add that the 10th floor Lever girls ROCK. Be sad if you don't know us! Love ya'll. Cletus the cow is bringin down the barn.