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Welcome to the Official Legions of Rome web site. We are an online gaming clan, and play
Microsoft Age of Empires II : The Conquerors on the MSN Zone. We stress quality over quantity,
however we also want members with a good attitude, a love to play, and who will be loyal to us.

Note: This site is still under construction. Best viewed with IE 5 or better at
1024 X 768 resolution. The menu can be moved by clicking at the top of it
drag it a bit, then once you have moved it into a desired position let go.

The Great Crusaders

We are about to embark upon the Great Crusade, toward which we have striven these many months.
The eyes of the world are upon us. The hopes and prayers of liberty loving people everywhere march
with us. We will crush those who oppose us, and uphold all those who swear they're allegience with us, eliminate the tyranny that rules over the oppressed people of the zone, and bring about security for
ourselves in a free world. We will not accept anything less than full victory, and we will not stop
until we either do, or the end of the world becomes apparent. We...are...the Legions of Rome.



New Concept Site
I have created a new design for the web-site, it loads quicker, looks more professional and neater, and is a much better site overall. If you would like to see the concept design click here. Please give your comments and remember it is only a concept, it could change a lot.
Celtic Clash Tournament
A big thanks to all who entered the tournament, and represented the clan in this great tournament. Special congratulations must go to LoR_BittaBiatch and LoR_Matrix_E who are ranked in the top 10 after the first round (RM singles)
New addition to the site!
The new territory map has ben added to the site, check it out! A lot of time and effort went into the making of this map, and no other clan site can boast that they sport a territory map, so go check it out!
- LoR_Augustus_E
New addition to site!
The new achievements page has now been added along with the Territory map, go check it out!
- LoR_Augustus_E

New Strategy
New Random Map strategy has been added to the strategy area, go check it out!
- LoR_Maximus_E

Additions to site!
The history sections have been updated! Go visit the History of the Empire and the new history of the Legions!
- LoR_Maximus_E
LoR_Maximus_E has had a time limit put unto how long he can stay on the computer during the week....I should be on at least 3 hrs. a day, but parents put restriction on me. I will be on late during weekends, and on and off throughtout the day. If need to contact me, email me at
If a problem arises and I nor Tiberius am on, please discuss it with LoR_BittaBiatch or one of the other emperors or empresses, or juct contact me or Tib by our email, good luck guys see u on the zone!
- LoR_Maximus_E

New additions to site coming soon!
A site made for The Senate aka. The Inner Roman Councel and also, for new recruits and their ratings, so they can be selected by the Emperors!
- LoR_Maxmius_E

Addition to History Section!
A new addition has been made to the Legions history section.
It is called The Decline of Rome.

A New Empire!
The foundations of the The Guardians of Byzantium have been laid.
Please Congratulate LoR_Myst_E for being given the honour to rule it.


New Members!
Please welcome The Warriors of Conrith's first members: LoR_Boxer_E, LoR_Dragon_CL & LoR_Boy_I
Emperor Voted out!
LoR_2Masta_E has been voted out of his emperors position, for breaking several rules a)attempting to kick another emperor out, b)allying other clans, and booting members without passing a vote through senate, c)abusing and mistreating several members and d)threatening to take all members with him if there were to be an election. The senate will decide what happens to him next, he may be suspended from the clan, or even exiled!
Project Legionaries Rising
Inaccordance with LoR's boosting proccess, the senate has initiated "Project Legionaries Rising" Our aim: to rebuild LoR, bring it back to its former glory and to make it even greater than it was before. It will be the largest project the clan has ever taken on and we need your full support. With several small clans merging with us, recruitment on a whole time high, and a restructured clan, I am sure we will succed. The future looks bright, my fellow Romans....
Member Returns!
Our former queen, LoR_Bitta has returned, though no longer a queen she is happy to be back. Her name is now LoR_BittaBiatch.
A New Queen!
We have a new queen, LoR_Angel to replace LoR_Bitta.
LoR is now in a re-boosting process, the leaders are going to provide more effort
to push LoR forward.
News Flash!
We are rebuilding members page, in my absence, we lost all members -
they will be replaced.
A Promotion!
Please congratulate LoR_Matrix_E (LoR_Slasher_CL), he has been promoted to
emperor of The Warriors of Corinth.

Sentences have been brought against LoR_Darkray_LL and LoR_Slalikc_TL,
stating their decieving of the clan and wanton disrespect for their clan's safekeeping, they have joined UW and therefore we are at war with them. We have lost all members including:
and all others, therefore we must recruit heavily this weekend and only recruit the best, also, they quit because of 2masta, i recommend he be replaced quickly!

© 2002 LoR_Tiberius_E and The Legions of Rome



Quote of the Week
"A soilder who runs, comes back
to fight another day. However
as soldier who fights till his
death, fights in our hearts

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Site of the Week
Plenty of information for the hardcore AoE 2 gamer,

Items of Interest
Finalists oftThe Conquerors 2001 Tournament