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Lard of the Rings


My Fitness Program

My Affirmations

I Learned from Trees

Assholism - AssA

Manners I learned

My Gourmet Recipes

How to be a Shaman in 5 Easy Steps


How to be a Pagan Redneck


Dont Say this to a White Man

Letter to My Son in Jail

Local Drivers Test. I Passed

More to Come


"I do whatever my rice crispies tell me to"


God, grant me the Senility
To forget the people
I never liked anyway,
The good fortune
To run into the ones I do,
And the eyesight
To tell the difference.


Spiritual counselor, mystic, oracle, able to leap a box of Depends in a single bound. This is her life and wisdom in words, pictures and song from Mediocre Middle Earth.