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What's up Black Planet and everybody checking in on the worldwide web.

This is your boi JayFizza and you have just entered my world.

What you are about to witness is my thought's weather right or wrong.


First off let me start by saying thank you to all those over sea's fighting to keep us safe.


Especially to my cousin


I pray for your safe return

Let me tell you a little about myself I am eighteen years old money making nigga.

my profession is mechanic.

I'm into clubing every weekend my middle name should be party.

I'm into  music, fashion I love to wear the best and nothing but the best.

I love to read a good poem .

I also write poems I like to express my thought's.

I dating at the moment with a girl that is probable

the only one for me .

She completes my exciting she the other half that make's me whole

and I not afraid to say love her

What's up to all my Ecorse ,Southwest nigga's

To all my Westside nigga's


Shut out


My Baby Girl /Future Wife/Baby Momma




My Nigga


all my other Nigga's







Big Nasty


Black Rob


And To My Niggas

Lock away




In The Depths of Solitude

I exist in the depths of solitude
pondering my true goal
trying 2 find peace of mind
and still preserve my soul
constantly yearning 2 be accepted
and from all receive respect
never comprising but sometimes risky
and that is my only regret
a young heart with an old soul
how can there be peace
how can I be in the depths of solitude
when there r 2 inside of me
this duo within me causes
the perfect opportunity



When Your Hero Falls

when your hero falls from grace
all fairy tales r uncovered
myths exposed and pain magnified
the greatest pain discovered
u taught me 2 be strong
but im confused 2 c u so weak
u said never 2 give up
and it hurts 2 c u welcome defeat
when ure hero falls so do the stars
and so does the perception of tomorrow
without my hero there is only
me alone 2 deal with my sorrow
your heart ceases 2 work
and your soul is not happy at all
what r u expected 2 do
when ure only hero falls

as those who accept simplicity

Her Eyes

Uncommon are the portals to her soul--
     deeper than the ocean,
     brighter than the sun,
     a beauty as timeless as the Universe.
Reaching out,
Out of reach,
I look into them, fall into them,
     descending deeply downward,
     falling freely forever.
They caress my soul
When they meet with mine--
     sensual pleasure,
     psychological ecstasy--
     flesh ablaze with insatiable desire,
     sudden seduction with a single glance.
A careless coup d'oeil uncovers carefully concealed compassion--
     expressive eyes emanate emotion,
     as hers do exude erroneous vehemence,
     so do they diffuse discernible regard.
Lunar light is mirrored in her eye.
She looks alluringly toward me--
     yearning for our hearts to touch,
     union of our souls,
     the love of two as one.
As a blind man without feeling,
     so am I lost.
As a poet without words,
     so am I useless--
     utterly ineffectual.
     So I am... without her.
The way she looks at me 
     enraptures me,
     it captures me,
     I cannot escape.
Her eyes beckon,
     entice my entire entity,
     quiet quintessence lured lasciviously into love.
They are superfluously sexy,
     undeniably demure,
     forever and never
     hers and mine.
















It's all about the Roc

Fuck all you other so called want to be

rappers it's either the Roc fuck all yah

Murder Inc. nigga's

This bitch ass nigga want to be 2pac ass nigga

Fuck Nas Fuck that old slow talking nigga


Fuck you Nigga