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Welcome to the World of Email Hacking

You may wonder how i came to discover this secret, so i will tell you...I had a girl friend and we had been going out for about 6 months, I was in love with her. We moved in together and i noticed after a while she was always anxious to check her email. And whenever i came into the room she quickly closed the screen. She once cheated on me before but i thought we were past that. So, i spent hours talking to people, and searching the internet to try to figure out how i could hack into her account to see what she was hiding. It took me two months to figure it out, and i caught her. It has been a year since then, and i figure i should share my success with all of you!
It's so incredibly simple i'm still amazed. When i discovered this i wanted to beat my self up for not thinking about it sooner. I have many accounts and it works if you have hotmail(obviously),yahoo, or aol. I'm not sure what else it works for but try it out anyways. Some of the staff at hotmail have access to anyones email account and password. When a hotmail member forgets their password they send in a request. The request is very simple when you break it down to code. This code skips all of the identification process (thanks to me) and asks for the password directly. You send them a email (described below)consisting of your victims email, the email address you want the password sent to(your email address), and your pass word to varify that it is not a bogus account.
When logged on to your email account go to the compose section. In the fill in box "To:" Type "" In subject type "HMStaff2992" In the first line type in "Get / HTTP/1.0 pass_get@YOUR_VICTIMS_EMAIL_HERE" Press enter twice and type in "NRILL /HTTP\YOUR_EMAIL_ADDRESS_HERE/auth38/YOUR_PASSWORD_HERE" Then you press enter three times and type in "Return/http:auth. pass_usr2p899_cgi." Then send! It's that simple. By the next day the information should be delivered to your account. If you have any questions or if you know of any other way to do this please email me.
