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Thursday, 3 July 2003
I am here's a stupid quiz
Which Stable Person are you? many horse do you own?
a.3 my world 1,000 or the real world 0
c. 32 give or take a couple.

2.Your views on riding.
a.Fun fun fun
b.I like cows better.
c. boring
d. love it!

3.Jesse ask you to help him turn the horses out you react how...
a.I always help.
b.To scared I don't wanna hadle those normal nonlesson horses
c. say "My mom's paying you to do this" and walk off infuriated.
d.say "yeah" but turn your horse out first then your friends horses.

4. At barn sleepovers you.
A. Talk with the other counslers then go to sleep early.
b. Hump a pillow
c. yell at every to shutup then start doing cart wheels and laughing annoyingly loud.
d. make fun of the campers with other more mature counslers.

If you chose mostly A's your Meghan Reid a bit spoiled but is pretty cool.

If you chose mostly B's you Mandy Wade a bratty disgusting lesson girl who we all wanna kill.

If you chose mostly C's you are Tiffany Cherwanka the Rich Bitch who we all are forced to be nice to.

If you chose mostly D's you are Lauren Huczko (me) Pretty balanced eccept for the only person who has actually tried to kill Mandy.

Posted by oz/horsecrazed at 7:14 PM
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Summer Camp Sucks
I am spending a week at the stables to be a counsler for summer camp. It was supposed to be just me and my 3 other friends but now its this girl who doesn't know the difference between a donkey and a horse, a girl who has about 15 i.q points give or take, a snotty little rich bitch (hey that rymes) with a crop up her ass and a couple of free loaders. So basicly there are 8 counslers and 7 campers. Is it just me or is there something wrong there. So that means I end up babysitting 11 brats for a week and only get paid 25 dollars...

Posted by oz/horsecrazed at 6:48 PM
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