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This is my webpage. It's devoted to losers,
and loser-likes whom attend WBHS. On my page
I plan to have images, pictures, and other
holsome things. If we don't go under I plan 
for celebrity guests and monthy interviews.
There will be no X-rated commentary but this 
the internets so  VIEWER BEWARE!!!  
+Some websites to go to.
  • Dress up Jesus.
  • Bady Jesus butt plug.
  • Jerry Falwell Minisries.
     If you'd like to go to hell,
    These sites will help you on your way.


  • i cant remember where I got this one.
  • I like Alltel.
  • You can even buy a town. Do it EEE-bay.
     I watch entirly too much T.V.

    +Would you like to see a picture of Satan?
     Some people would disagree but,
    then again some people are morons. Just
    like Satan many people hate him and many
    evil old bastards love him. Give it up for
    Ronald Reagon.
     no webpage is comeplete without their 
    very own picture of Ronald Reagon. Say what 
    you will about this guy, but it still stands
    the mofo takes a darn good picture.