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Week 4 Assignment Question Answers


1.                 Microsoft Access is a database management system.

2.                 A database engine is the middle man between the RDBMS and the database. It is used to lighten the load on the RDBMS.

3.                 DDL is used to define tasks. Examples are CREATE, ALTER, DROP, GRANT, and REVOKE>

4.                 The functions of DML are to insert, modify, delete, and retrieve data.

5.                 TCL is used to recover from transaction failures.

6.                 DCL covers permissions and privileges.

7.                 You would use the SLECT command to select all rows. The syntax would be  SELECT * FROM table_name.

8.                 SELECT  * FROM table_name WHERE something = `something`;

9.                 SELECT * FROM employess WHERE (age) > 43;

10.             Aggregate functions are used to perform arithmetic operations. IE – SUM, MAX, MIN, AVG, COUNT


12.             CHAR – returns the character equivalent of the ASCII code value.

ASCII – returns the ASCII code of the leftmost character in the expression.

LEN – returns the number of characters in character_expression

13.             SELECT * from <tablename> order by firstname.

14.             SELECT * from <tablename> WHERE firstname like `David%`

15.             SELECT * from <tablename> WHERE (age) > 35 or <40;

16.             ALTER COLUMN cOccupation char (25) NOT NULL

ALTER COLUMN cNameofCompnay char (25) NOT NULL

17.             Database is more storage then a program. SQL is like a card catalog at the library, or a search engine. You tell it what you want and it finds it. Programming language is when you tell a computer a series of commands which it then executes and gives you the desired results. SQL is programming that was written to be a search engine, using programming like commands.