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Overkilling the President

My, my...two more two negative editorials in the Press Democrat, subsidiary of the New York Times. The first was yet another brutal and personal attack from the school composed of re-hash of previous arguments (did anyone even bother to read my explanations/rebuttals?) It also totally ignored the questions I raised about the complicity of my College Administration et al. The second, sillier editorial came from whoever writes anonymous editorials at the PD, subsidiary of the New York Times. Besides setting the reader up for the letter from the College, this one pleads with me to "let it drop". "SRJC instructor needs to join others in letting this go" ran the sub-title. Either I've got to stop breaking into the PD at night or the hypocrisy of this is just too funny.

For someone who didn't email anything, hasn't been charged with anything, hasn't been arrested for anything and hasn't lost his job over anything, I sure do seem to be the personal object of a lot of people's scorn. The Press Democrat and my College had better be careful. This much overkill may lead people to believe my version of things. Blowback, my of unintended consequences. Seems to be the theme of the times.

Once more I come home after a long day at class to find myself on the editorial page of the Press Democrat. One more week of summer term and I can give this my full attention. This will have to suffice for now. I'm beat. Stay tuned for more content.

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