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These Bandages, They Cover More Than Scrapes
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What oh what should I put here. How bout a big FUCK YOU! No no...that wasn't big enough. Or hard enough. Haha, oh well...fuck you all!

If you actually know me, and I gave you the link to this; you should feel special because I aint givin this link to no one...I want to be able to rant and you not judge me. Which I know you will, you sick fuck.
If you know me and I didn't give you this link, get the fuck outta here sucker.
If I don't know you, I obviously did not send you here and since you have no connection to me, feel free to read and relish in my pathetic little realm.


I have OCD, okay! And since my mom is a raging psycho bitch who likes to lock me in my home [and my friends have all left me for foreign countries], I am left to work diligently on a webpage no one appreciates...sad. are here and you are looking at my oh-so-fetal site. Kudos to you! Just remember, Save the Native Americans! and please give me suggestions as to shit you'd like to see me put on my site. I'm like Santa: ask and you shall receive! Which reminds me of a quote from one of my uber-horny friends: "Save Santa the naughty". Meow. Adieu my friend! Have fun with my site...but not too much. Just don't hurt yourself.

But it was all worth it, Monster Island was the best vacation I've ever had. Being able to walk up to a 20 foot high bug was just about the coolest thing in the world. I thought the giant ape and other "Monsters" on the island would be in cages, or inaccessible, but tare quite friendly and accessible.

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