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Explanation Of East03...

East03 is a web site about a group Wauwatosa East grads, the class of 2003. This is a collection of our pictures and what not.

Some Information...

We are in Wauwatosa Wisconsin, a suburb of Milwaukee Wisconsin - USA. We attend Wauwatosa East, and we are the class of 2003. This site is full of our good times and misfortunes. This is the stuff we're gonna miss in years to come... have fun and look around.

Site Information...

If you have a dead link to report please send an E-Mail describing which link and what happend. Most of the content here is under construction all the time, so give me a break, but please let me know what doesn't work. Everything here was created by East03 and is in no way to be reproduced or recreated in any way without consent. This site is best viewed in 800x600 or higher resolution and an up to date version of IE or Netscape.


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Hits Since 10-5-01

Military Time
12 Hour Time