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9:21:03  11:15PM

Two new reviews: Leatherface / Hot Water Music split and The Fucking Champs' 'V'.

Also, I'm dicking around with the fonts... let me know what you like or don't like.

Thursday brings the monster show... Cursive, Blood Brothers, Fin Fang Foom, and Eastern Youth.  To be honest, I probably won't stick around for the headliner... Cursive in the past has not given me enough reason to want to stay... sorry kids...

Saturday is Denali and Rainer Maria...

Also, the ol' email address changed, so the '-t' at the bottom changed.

That's enough from me.



9:18:03  3:03AM

I put up a review for an Against Me! album.  Maybe I'll put up something else.  Probably not.



9:17:03 6:41PM

It just got really cloudy outside.  I hear we have some sort of big storm coming.

Anyway, last time we had a big storm like this, I lost power for 5 days, so, as a warning, that may happen again.

For now, I updated the NC show listings... There are many more shows coming than I know what to do about.  Some great bands.  And there's even a new venue in the Greensboro area.  Nice.

I'm going to try to write some reviews tonight, but no guarantees.

I'm too busy crossing my fingers that I won't have school tomorrow.



9:14:03  2:17AM

Finally, The Skorts posted an MP3 that I could link to (i.e. "steal")... but on the plus side, now there's a wonderful song for you all to hear... it comes from the demo CD they put out...  It has this line, which I love: "Clinging to the backs of pews, or to necks as I do, neither could change a man."  The song is here.  If you have trouble, go to and find your way around there.

And we all know about Johnny Cash... there's not really anything more that I need to say here.  I've entertained the idea of writing more reviews, but that idea has not yet fully realized into an event.  Oh well.  I'm working on it.

Those who actually know me (read: anyone who actually visits this site), can find me on AIM as RestStopPoet starting approximately whenever.  I'll just make the switch some random day.  Clownshateme gave me lots of shit.  You're not original when you ask, "Why do clowns hate you?"



9:08:03  1:49AM

I saw Songs: Ohia.  Yeah, it was great.  Even a little 'Songs: Ohia moment' for yours truly.

Also, the board is now Gold... so go post there, cause there are no ads.

And there's rampant swearing.



9:06:03  5:45PM

Apprently, I'm on some sort of Chapel Hill kick.  I reviewed Superchunk's 'Come Pick Me Up.'

Also, dreamy Richmond, VA collective Gregor Samsa's 'Self-Titled' EP thing.

Soon, the message board will be a 'Gold Community' which means no ads and shit.  Speaking of 'shit,' it'll get rid of that annoying profanity filter, too.  Tell everyone you know to go to the board and post repeatedly.  Well, if they have meaningful, enlightening things to say, that is.


