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Name:  Topher


Age:  22

Occupation:  Roller Rink kid, student, webmaster of this beautiful excuse of a site, observer

Major:  Sociology.  1 year to go.

Pets: Zephyr, my Eclectus parrot.  He says about 200 words and enjoys the bands Orchid and Denali.

Interests:  Indie/pop/rock/post-whatever music, construction of self/symbolism, sleeping in, avoidance, pessimism, cynicism, attempting to validate my indie credibility, self-referential lyrics, and most of all, good clean fun.

Websites I enjoy:   

Exploding Dog (the greatest works you'll ever see)

Ender (a friend's band)

Sincere Brutality (a better site than mine)

Buddyhead (bringing the rock)


A few of my writings: