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Daniel's Group

:Main Page: :My Story: :Guest Book: :Group Photos: :Weekly DC Update:


Wendsday October 15

Hello parents. This web site was an idea I had to help you stay informed on what your son is doing in DC every week. I know how busy I can get and I can only imagine how full your schedules are. This site is a way for you to both keep in touch with me and see what your son is doing on wendsday nights. Here you can see the handouts and assignments that are passed out on wendsdays and also keep informed on events happening in the youth group as a whole(camp sign-ups,hangout nights, service projects...). So feel free to brouse around. I will be posting pictures from DC, Camps and also from 10:45 as I get them. I will also try to send out an e-mail if your son is falling behind in the DC conformation option with the missing assignments attatched. Hope to talk to you soon and have a blessed day.
