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Cheap Flix Productions

Cheap Flix Productions are dedicated to goofing off as much as possible, and possibly turning out a decent, if well under-funded movie.

Our first film is currently being written, chopped, hacked, glued, and carefully pieced together by a few teenagers with way too much time on their hands.

The film will be shot entirely in Rockdale, Milam CO. Texas, with one hand-held camcorder. Many cheesey and lame special effects will be used, if any at all, though hopefully our acting and storylines will be better then most of the really dumb movies most people are subjected to.

Our group currently consists of only four teenage girls, ages 12 to 18. We live in various places in the Hillcountry, and no, we aren't very interested in meeting you, especially in real life.

If you would like to contact us, ask questions, ask for a copy of the movie (once it's finished) or give us some funding for our cheesey special effects, so can buy ketchup for the fake blood instead of just stealing it from our Aunt/Mom's kitchen, or anything else, please feel free to contact us at