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My ArT PaRaDiSe!!!

Colour Paradise


Whassup Guys!Welcome to my Art_Paradise! I expect all of u to say "so what, this is just another website full of stinky pieces of art" but no! This website contains lots of interesting facts and pictures of art all done by me(Ummmm...maybe a little help from others) I am sure after viewing the marvellous website of mine, you will surely say "That's the best i've ever seen!"

Introduction To Art!

Yo! Do you know what is art? If you don't, i'm goin to tell you now...

Art is all about colours and how you do it...

Art can be both enjoyable and both disgusting. It is enjoyable when you enjoys it and disgusting when you don't want to do it or when you are forced. Art is something very easy if you know what to do. You can paint with blobs of paint and it can still be a piece of attractive art. Find out more bout colours in the link above!