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My name is Adam. I am a student an undergraduate student at the University of Nebraska Omaha. I have designed this web page as my personal learning tool and study guide. Please feel free to use this page to your advantage in studying and learning the topics presented. However, please be aware that the information on this page consists of my personal class notes, text notes, and other learning materials I use to learn. In no way am I considered an expert (yet) in any field discussed on this page. Any specifics or questions you have should be directed to your professor. Also, please note, at no time have I given, nor will I give any other person permission to use personal writings, research papers, or any other "original" thoughts of my own for their own use. Additionally, I will make every attempt possible to site and give credit to any professor, author, books, articles, etc., I use or cite in my own educational and research works. That being said, I hope this page is helpful to you in however you use it. If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions for this page. Please e-mail me. A link to my e-mail address is available at the bottom of the page.

Please be patient. This page is still under construction. I will get it up and running to full capacity as soon as possible.


Introduction to Political Theory
University of Nebraska Omaha
PSCI 2310
Spring 2005
8:30am-9:45am, Tuesdays & Thursdays
Dr. Loree Bykerk

E-mail Me
Last Updated on 17 January, 2005