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Advertise on Our Website

Updated February 12, 2009
Price Reduction

We have several Websites that you may be interested in. Clicking here will open up a NEW WINDOW to a listing of those sites.

Discounts provided if wishing to advertise on more than one site.



For the annual price of $250 for a year or $21 a month, your logo or text link will be situated prominently on our home page (our most often visited page) and labeled as a "Sponsor."

 You will receive:

  • A listing on our home page labeled as "Website Sponsor"

  • Your logo, text link, or a picture of your product or service 
  • A hyperlink from your logo to your website or e-mail address

EXAMPLE: Click Here

SPONSOR PAGE (a page within our site, listing with other paid sponsors)

For the annual price of $150 for a year or $13 a month, your logo or text link will be situated in chronological order on our Sponsors' Page. Your Add being placed at the bottom of previous paid sponsors.

 You will receive:

  • A listing on our Sponsors' Page labeled as "Website Sponsors"

  • Your logo, text link, or a picture of your product or service 
  • A hyperlink from your logo to your website or e-mail address

    In addition. there is a link on every page in the left hand column of The Menu linking to Our Sponsors Page.

EXAMPLE: Click Here


We can place the Name of your Site with a small description and a link back to your site placed on Our Links Page, in exchange for the same reciprocation.

EXAMPLE: Click Here


I am sorry to inform you; however payments are only accepted by check or money order, or cash. I do not use Pay Pal or any other Web Payment plan.

For more information, contact me via e-mail here





Subject to Change Disclaimer 

The policies, regulations and procedures pertaining to this site are subject to change without prior notice. Fees and availability of Sponsors are subject to change with prior notice.

The Site reserves the right to change curricula, rules, fees, and other requirements, of whatever kind, affecting visitors and sponsors.


Legal Mumbo Jumbo: This is a non-legally, non-sensically binding agreement between you, presumably a citizen of the planet Earth, and My Company. You agree not to do things My Company does not want you to do, unless specified otherwise, or in another language, such as French, but certainly not German, in which case all bets are off and you are free to move about the cabin, except when the captain switches on the No Smoking sign, at which point you must cartwheel back to your seat and resume creating web pages of interest to My Company.

© 1999, 2003 Jon's Images
All rights rabidly uneserved.