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.:: Scene One : The Crippler Arrives ::.

[[The scene comes into focus outside of the arena . You can see movement as people are running around trying to get things done in time for the show. You can see a figure in the distance and it is getting closer, as the figure get's closer to the camera we can see that it is non other than Chris Benoit.]]

[[Benoit relises that he is being filmed , so he begins to talk to the camera man.]]

[[The Crippler ~ Chris Benoit]] Well looks like this show is about to pick up because the Crippler has arrived! I am here tonight to further cement my name in this company and I will do it! I dare someone to Prove Me Wrong!

[[Benoit then grins and shakes his head as he walks towards the entrance to the arena.]]

.:: Scene 2 : In Ring Promo ::.

[[As we come back from a commerical break to one of Web Wrestling Federation Promo Show's. We see the crowd getting geared up for one of their favourite superstars to come out from the back. Just then the lights dim and 'Crippler' begins to play over the pa system and the fans start to give a mixed reaction as Chris Benoit apperars. ]]

[[Benoit then makes his way down the ramp. He then gets into the ring, he looks at the fans and shakes his head as he gets a microphone from the annoucer. He calls for his music to be cut as he then starts to speak.]]

[[The Crippler ~ Chris Benoit]]Well there is only one reason that I could possibly be out here tonight and that is this upcoming Sunday on Showdown I am going to be tagging with Fyre to take on Crash Holly and Barbra Bush! When I first heard about this match, I started to wonder who the hell thought that these two were going to be opponeants that will let me live up to my ability which got me thinking, I have been coming out here every week and saying I have the skills, well this week I can prove it when I go up against Crash Holly! I mean this is a changelle isn't it ? I have to make this match look great so I get booked . We all know watching a Crash Holly match is painfull but tonight you are in for a treat because you are going to see the best techincal wrestler in this business perform! I am going to be the talk of the whole show.

[[The Crippler ~~ Chris Benoit]]

.:: People Used ::.

.:: People Mentioned ::.

.:: Win / Lose / Draw ::.

.:: Acheivements ::.

.:: Out Of Character ::.

.:: Disclaimer ::.

.::Other ::.

Web Wrestling Fanlisting
Starlight Productions