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//************************************** // for :Count Down //************************************** PHP CountDown created by Daniel Olfelt ©2003 //************************************** // Name: Count Down // Description:The purpose of this code is to have a date and find how many days there are until that date. // By: Dan O Man // // // Inputs:There are two variables. They should look something like these: $countdown_names=array("header","End of School","My Birthday"); $countdown_dates=array("My Dates","6-5","8-13-1986"); // // Returns:FORMAT:

- My Dates End of School: 23 days (6-5-2003) My Birthday: 64 days (8-13-1986) // //Assumes:None // //Side Effects:None //This code is copyrighted and has limited warranties. //Please see //for details. //************************************** - My Dates End of School: 23 days (6-5-2003) My Birthday: 64 days (8-13-1986) */ /* Finds whether the date has already passed, and if so, add another year */ for($i=0;$i<=count($countdown_names)-1;$i++) { if($countdown_dates[$i] != "subhead") { if($countdown_dates[$i] != "header") { $split_count = split("-", $countdown_dates[$i]); if($split_count[0] <= date("n") && $split_count[1] < date("j")) { $year=date("Y") + 1; } elseif($split_count[0] < date("n")) { $year=date("Y") + 1; } else { $year=date("Y"); } /* Finds the amount of days left */ $hours_left = number_format((mktime(0,0,0,$split_count[0],$split_count[1],$year) - time())/3600, 2); if ($hours_left > 24) { $daysLeft = ceil($hours_left/24); } $hours_left = (mktime(0,0,0,$split_count[0],$split_count[1],$year) - time())/3600; if ($hours_left > 168) { $daysLeft = ceil($hours_left/24); } else { $daysLeft = ceil($hours_left/24); } /* This is the Format for the actual dates */ print "".$countdown_names[$i].": ".$daysLeft; if($daysLeft != 1) { print " days"; } else { print " day"; } /* Prints the actual dates if they exist */ print " (".$countdown_dates[$i]; if(!$split_count[2]) { print "-".$year.")"; } else { print ")"; } print "
"; } else { /* Alter this to change the Header FONT/SIZE/ETC. */ print "
"; print $countdown_names[$i]; print "
"; } } else { /* Alter this to change the subheader FONT/SIZE/ETC. */ print ""; print $countdown_names[$i]; print "
"; } } ?>