Common Sense Sayings Matching Quiz

by David H. Kessel
(based on Common Sense Sayings from Eitzen/Baca-Zinn...In Order and Conflict)

Common Sense sayings are often contradicted by other common sense sayings, which tends to diminish our ability to treat each of them as "absolutes" (i.e. regardless of situational factors).

Below there is a jumbled matching quiz concerning 15 'sets' of contradictory sayings...see if you can match them with each other:

1____Work for the night is coming..........................A. The clothes make the man

2____You can't tell a book by its cover....................B. The grass is always greener on the other side

3____Variety is the spice of life...............................C. He who hesitates is lost

4____Women are unpredictable...............................D. Too many cooks spoil the broth

5____Familiarity breeds contempt............................E. Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow you may die

6____Better safe than sorry.......................................F. When in Rome, do as the Romans do

7____You can't teach an old dog new tricks.............G. To know her is to love her

8____Absence makes the heart grow fonder.............H. If you want something done right, do it yourself

9____Haste makes waste...........................................I. Out of sight, out of mind

10____There's no place like home.............................J. Opposites attract

11____Two heads are better than one........................K. Isn't that just like a woman?

12____Many hands make light work..........................L. Nothing ventured, nothing gained

13____Look before you leap......................................M. Never change horses in midstream

14____Above all to thine own self be true..................N. It's never too late to learn

15____Birds of a feather flock together......................O. Strike while the iron is hot

Now, speculate (critically presuppose) about under WHAT conditions could each of these be true.