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Restoration for the orphan




I was with some friends, a married couple who had just had a miscarriage, and we were sharing some thoughts together. During this, we started to pray together and as we did so, we felt being led by Jesus to go into a deep prayer for those who had experienced the death of someone close to them.

Our hearts were taken deep into feeling the love of Father God for the orphans. During that time He started speaking to me about orphans, and I started writing it down.

Little did I realise that it would also be a personal journey for me to discover the tremendous release that awaited as I discovered that I truly am no longer an orphan, but a precious son of my heavenly Father.

As the playground saying goes - 'My dad is bigger than your dad.' Well in Him we all have the opportunity to discover the biggest dad of them all, who loves us in a way our human fathers never could.

I hope that this brings a blessing to you.

Love Bear


Background picture is of a work amongst Mexican orphans by the Christian Life Fellowship, Baton Rouge, LA.


Lynx - Click on Orphans study to continue :O)

Orphans study
Bear thoughts